MARCH 23-APRIL 29, 1912 This morning the Knoblocks departed in an auto for Paris. They picked up Walpole and Anderson at the station. By the way, at the Princess's Restaurant, I saw Lord X. He looked a vulgar and damned scoundrel. Not his fault, of course. I have read Walpole's new novel" The Prelude to Adventure " ; satisfactory,—and am to try to arrange a contract for him with Doran. Wednesday, April ijth. We left Hotel Californie, Cannes, at 7.50 on Monday morning and got to the H6tel du Khin, Paris, at 11.45 at night. Flat in this hotel, z bedrooms, servant's bedroom, bathroom, sitting- room and d6barras, for 50 fr. a day, all included (troisieme), but no central heating. Pans, Saturday, April 20th. Wednesday night " Le Petit Caf<§", by Tristan Bernard at Palais Royal. Excellent, and well played. Yesterday the Selwyns and Calou came to lunch. Only their anxiety to meet us here and hear the rest of my comic novel prevented them from going home with the H. B. Harrises on the Titanic.1 Tuesday, April 2yd. Sunday at Fontainebleau packing up books. I told Selwyn I would turn " The Murder of the Mandarin " into a one-act play. Finished reading " Quentin Durward" last night. A few goodish scenes, but on the whole mediocre and careless. I made a few notes as to it at the back of the Edition Nelson. Monday, April zgth. Left Paris and got to Newhaven yesterday. Drove car for the first time this morning round about Newhaven. Went over to Brighton to>see the Sharpes. Newspaper man in street talking to Oswald Shepherd. (Bonnota killed yesterday); " I wish I'd been in Paris yesterday. I could have made a bit o' money. When Crippen did it, I made £3 before 5 o'clock. 1 The White Star liner Titanic had gone down -with 1,513 souls on board, April 15. 1A notorious Paris bandit who was Mlled after the siege of his house by the police. 47